Sunday, May 12, 2013


Where driveway meets laneway I planted some Foxglove last year. Part of my 40 year plan to create  blooms all over the property and not just in garden beds. Over the years my hope is that they naturalize well beyond the initial five. 
I am thrilled to see that they are looking very healthy. 
 I have no idea if they bloomed last year because we had left the cottage by then, but I have my fingers crossed that with the later start this season that they might still be in bloom when we return in mid July.  
On the other side of the road I planted three Lupin last year and found two of them looking strong and healthy. Unfortunately we will definitely miss these blooms, but as long as someone sees them I will be happy. Here again the hope is that these will naturalize over time all along the roadside.

I have planted daffodils on the other side of the road, away from the water, to give us a reason to get up and into the woods in the spring before the bugs or the leaves are out.
The continuation of the dry creek bed up into the forest looked great and it did not even need raking! Next week there will be more daffs blooming on other side to highlight it, but even without them I still find it a nice subtle touch.

And the original lasagna garden that I cut corners on and have been curious about?
Despite the fact that it is completely under water at the moment there are signs of life.
I just cannot tell which of the Daisies, Viper's Bugloss or Chicory is coming back, so the suspense continues. 

At the base of the old broken tree I added a few Crocus and Siberian Squill and that clump on the right is a Chinese Wisteria. I hope it does not mind the cold bath. 

Amazingly these are actually growing under the frigid water and by the time the water dropped a few inches over the course of the weekend the Crocus were actually in bloom.

Nature finds a way.



  1. Lupine is great. It's nice that it is such an easily identifiable plant. If the leaves around them are think you should keep that rake out. More seeds reaching the soil = more lupine

    1. Great idea about raking around them. Unfortunately I will not be back in Ontario until mid July, but if the seed heads still have seeds I will make sure to collect and plant them. Wish me luck.

  2. You may be lucky enough to catch them. It's really neat to collect lupine seeds still in an unopened pod. You can hear them pop open once then they are ripe. I myself have had terrible luck establishing lupines, but I'm hoping some decide to finally take this year.

    1. Good luck with them. I am planting them in all three of my new garden beds - blue, red and white.


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