Monday, June 17, 2013

MACRO MONDAY - allium 3

This is the third week in a row I have featured the same Allium.
This week we focus in on just one of the many individual flowers that make up an Allium sphere.

 Last week they were out but not yet open.
Two weeks ago they were just announcing their intent to bloom.

Sharing with Macro Monday 2 & Today's Flowers


  1. Lovely photos. Alliums are gorgeous flowers.

    1. I am so pleased with them. The first of the 'new' plants that I have never had enough sun to grow before. Hurrah!

  2. Fabulous macro shots Derek. Thank you very much for sharing them with Today's Flowers again.

    Would you be willing to share two or three of your favorite flower photos on our home page in our Guest Friend spot? If you are interested you can send them to me at, and if you could please put ‘TODAY’S FLOWERS’ in the subject line, this would prevent it from dropping into my spam folder. As friends send me their photos I add them to a list in the order received, and let them know when they will be shown. If you decide to do so could you also send me the link to your blog at the same time?

    Thank you for considering this and absolutely no pressure, we are just very grateful that you share your flowers with us whenever you can.

    Wishing you a happy day,
    Today’s Flowers
    An English Girl Rambles

  3. Nice progression of shots. I did that last year with a zinnia, everyday for about two weeks. The funny thing was there was a spider living in the zinnia that I did not actually see until I saw the pictures! Allium is great. I used the dried seed heads in an indoor autumn arrangement last year with great effect.

    1. Everyday? Wow, good for you. I hope the allium are still in condition to use in the fall as well, they are such interesting blooms.

  4. Very nice. Super love the first photo.

    1. Thanks, I agree. I think each week has gotten better.

  5. Replies
    1. I am just loving them. I hope they last a long time.

  6. Spring is such a beautiful and exciting time of year. Something new and special is budding and opening pretty much daily. I love how even the tiniest plants flower.

  7. Hello Derek !
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and garden (Kingston .. home of Queens : )
    That would be amazing if you were able to brighten up your parents view from that neighbor's garden .. we aren't quite "gorilla gardeners" but we take on more space to green up that isn't exactly ours ? LOL
    Good luck with that !
    PS .. great macro pictures .. I will have to but a macro lens on my list for the lottery ! haha

    1. I went to university at Queen's, Kingston is very nice, but I never stayed over the summer and saw the beautiful gardens. One day maybe...


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